The crazy weather ( fiction)

    Instead of the  voices of your neighours waking you up the sounds of the long lines of rain on the roof wakes you. You love the cold weathers but it makes you lazy to crawl out of bed. The feeling to snuggle up is much too strong on those cold mornings. As the thunder rumbles and the rains comes down in strong sheets, you squeeze your blankets tighter curling up yourself.
   When you manage to scoot out of bed, you prod to the kitchen to make yourself tea and boil the water till it sizzles hot spirals rising from the nozzle of the kettle.  As you pour the hot water in your oversized teacup you add the teabags and they submerged in the hot water. You drink tea holding the teacup to your lips as you sip slowly.

It is now drizzling just slow drips splatters on your window. You get ready to go out dressed in extra clothings you dont forget to wear your coat and take your umbrella too. Dark-blue clouds hang over in the skies. It is early  June and the rains brings the smell of ripening mango fruits with it. You take deep breathes and start jumping over the puddles in the street.

  And if it's near-noon,the clouds turn white and blue and the sun lifts from the horzion,the hot sun rays descends on you and scorch your face. You don't feel cold again instead you itch under your shirt and beads of sweat stands on your forehead and you wish you had wore your summer clothes. You feel like fire burns your skin boring deeper into your skin holes.

  But when you sit in a taxi, in the evening you are happy you can't wait to get home and take a cold shower, and it starts to drizzle. The rain is so heavy that your walk from the  shed of the  mango seller in your street to your apartment makes you drenched, it splatters on the floor of your verandah.

 You take a hot shower instead of a cold shower and wear a sweater and socks.  You lay under blankets and listen to Asa songs and eat your mangoes. You bite a tiny hole in one end of the fruit and sucked it until the seed wobbled alone.

It is only in Nigeria that it rains during the summer.


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