'You are such a feminist'

She likes her coffee strong, just  like her character. In the mornings, as the sun rises from the horzion the orange-purple rays flooding the kitchen, she boils water for coffee and watch as the kettle sizzles from atop the gas.

Sometimes,Sade perches on a tall stool and doodles on a paper, the long lines slowly taking a shape of a woman with a fierce look-the kind of look she is always wearing that frown lines etch on her forehead because of how intense her look is.

Her intensity comes with a fury when she speaks her mind. It made her rebilious even as a child. When she was just eight years old had always spoke about how unfair that she is always in kitchen helping out while the boys played.
"I want to play too!"She would always chime.
   "You are a girl,you have to be in the kitchen."Her mom says yanking at her ear.
 "Why? Are they not humans too ? "

It made her unapproachable when she was in her teens. While other girls wear their hairs in a ponytail and tight jeans, she wears oversized shirt and boys'shorts and her hair in a low cut. She wrestles with the boys, in the evenings sits outside and loudly talk about football with them, always playing video games. While her mates talked about being skinny, the color of nail polish or lipstick to wear, she played tennis and ate chocolates.

Now, Sade is still fierce and her eyes sparks when she talks about how women who are victimized dont get their justice, how she hates the phase 'the way to a man's heart is his stomach'; what about the way to my own heart, how she hates cooking, how she hates that a man is assumed to being paying her bills when she and Jide go out, "he pays but sometimes I give him a treat too" she would whisper to the waiter;how naive women are considered to be when talking about politics.
  "I love politics.I hate talking about lipsticks!!!" She defends that evening as she, Jide and his friends sit at the veranda eating pepper soup,they do every Saturday evenings, sometimes on Sundays too.
 "You are such a feminist." Jide had teased her pinching her cheeks while they washed the dishes they used in eating pepper soup.
 "I am just opinionated." She laughs and pours coffee in her oversized teacup slowly brings it close to her lips and sniffs before she takes a sip.


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