Does it matter.....

      He loves to watch her wear her jeans just as the morning sun barely illuminates the room-She is  skinny like those girls posing in front of Ebony magazines yet she squeezes into her jeans that clutches to her buttocks the way hot cocoyams sticks to a wet pestel.
   He has already made her breakfast- toast, fried eggs and plantains and tea which he serves her while she is still in bed yawning,but she likes to brush her teeth and take her bath first before breakfast.
   "This eggs are really great" She always mumbles in between mouthfuls.
 "Thanks." He says his eyes smiling at the way she munched the eggs hungrily. He knows she is a bad cook always burning the plantains, when she fries them, they turn into dark-brown color. " I am going to make you your  African salad", he leans over with his finger sweeps egg away from her lips covered in a dark shade of lipstick.
  "Really!" She yelped.

He laughs and throws his head back. He loves the way her lips curve sideways in a childlike manner, and he reach to toss her kinky hair. Uju flips up and reach to toss his dreadlocks and he holds her arms and draws her body close to his before kissing her on the forehead. In his tight hug,so close that she can sniff his enticing cologne, she mumbles in Igbo and smirks.
  "Omo Igbo"Sola teases. "I love you". Their gaze meet and her bodies entwined and their lips pressed together.

  Sola wished his mom could see reasons with him and let he marry Uju if though he is Yoruba and She is Igbo. His feelings for her grew everday like it is  juice running his veins. He loved her elegence and freedom, the way she lets her hair down. The spark in her eyes when she talked about the oppression of women,the scarcity of tomatoes, the sky rocketing prices of fuel and the things she loved.


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