Verbosity Of Feminism Now.

Photo credit : lexonart

   Feminism has many individual twists to it now, the essence of this term has been lost. The verbosity associated with it makes me weak. We now have ladies trying to score even with their partners in a relationship, financially. Holding your own financially as woman is good thing. Granted, some women refuse to have a man open doors or pick up a tab. They refuse to be "paid for" A real woman has no problem and no "issues" surrounding being treated well, so she lets a man give -she allows herself to receive. Who has more should give more. If he buys you dinner, say thank -you politely and graciously, stop surrounding it with too much complex, allow yourself to receive. And at no time would you feel guilty or obligated. Nor does make you feel compromised in any way. The financial part of any relationship has to give and take. No one person should be doing all of the giving. Spitting bills is a nice thing, but if he wants to pay let him. 

  Women, with overhyped feminism beliefs, often try to choke men down with them. "I don't do this or that, fuck you " They are like this possessed Creatures, hating men, rather actually fighting the injustice that comes with gender. I heard a woman, sometimes, say she told a man who told her to cook for him, to go fuck himself, he felt entitled. I laughed, because I have encountered such men, I handled it differently, not feeling well like an asshole just like them, till today they cook for me, when I'm around.  Choking up men with your feminism crap, makes you inconsiderate, patriarchy destroys both men and women, don't act like you are man-hater. One of the things about equality is not that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat a man. You don't demand it, or ask for it, you just need to do it. 

 They played too much of victims, I don't think of myself as a victim, I'm just a woman who loves to express herself and live truely. I don't associate with being a victim, all because gender prescribe how we should be not how we ought to be. They spend time talking about men, surrounding their conversations about men, instead of solving the problems of our own. They call us whores and cheap, that's because you are feeling insecure and inferior. If you love yourself, you won't worry about how some other person feels about you. You're beautiful because you accept yourself not because others accept you. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one definition of you, define yourself. 


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