I'm Not Ashamed.

   I'm not ashamed of being a Christian. I'm not ashamed of Jesus. I'm not ashamed of saying I believe he exists, forget how atheists prove higher intelligence and say things like God's dead. I'm not just not the conventional Christian, I don't believe in religion, I believe in my personal relationship with God. My conversations with God, almost some mornings, I try everyday but it is hard. I believe in tolerance, because God won't judge a man, why should a man judge a man?

 I feel religion is overbloated with ego, too much ego, we are preach too much about condemnation more than love. We judge people outwardly more than inwardly. Do you think it's for you to judge?  We are consumed about acting like mini gods, to be worshipped. We forget ourselves and become angry religious fanatics that scare people away from his love. 

  I don't understand religion, I try to understand it every day, I tell Jesus I'm not perfect, I try everyday, how I want more of his love. We have become judgemental consumed Christians worried about what he/she wears, their hair and outward appearance. We have forgotten about our inward growth, that depth. 

 I pray to God, and tell him, I want to serve you, I know you are real. You live in my blue skies, every morning I watch the flutters of clouds, it reminds me of your love, how I want to make a dent in the world, with my influence, impact and income. 

I'm scared of being that possessed Christian concerned with perfection. I'm not perfect. But you still love me. Then who I'm not to love other people's imperfections. To tolerate, heal souls, and replace frowns with smiles. 

 We are so fanatical about our religious beliefs , we are engrossed with perfection than how we change lives in the smallest ways. 

I'm christain.

I say it with more than a good deal of embarrassment—not of Jesus, but of so many of his people and so much of the Church who claim to speak for him.

I refuse to be a Christian devoid of the character of Jesus; his humility, his compassion, his smallness, his gentleness with people’s wounds, his attention to the poor and the forgotten and the marginalized, his intolerance for religious hypocrisy, his clear expression of the love of God.

I'm not ashamed of saying I love him. That I crave his presence, his awesomeness. I'm not ashamed of being a Christian. I'm not ashamed of Jesus Christ. 


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