Don't Send Them Hawking, Because Your Asses Are Lazy


      Last year, I and my sister decided to visit a friend, we walked down, on the streets, we saw him.  He was sitting at a corner crying his eyes out.  I'm very compassionate about little things like this, seeing someone cry. We stopped and inquired why he sat here crying. I watched as tear drops scalded down his cheek.
    He couldn't be more than just ten or eleven years old, I can't really remember the exact age he told us. He was dressed in ill-fitting clothes, holding a blue plastic basin on his hand.  He sells Sachets of pure water.  It was still school hours, he had lost his money, and he was afraid to go home because his mom would whup him, he told us,
    "I'm fearing to go home. My mother is going to beat me. She warns me not lost the pure water money".
    "why are you not in school, why are you selling pure water?"
    " we are not having money . My mother has other children we all can't be going to school "
    " what about your dad? "

      "I'm not knowing my daddy".

 I had tears in my eyes, the time he was finished.  We offered to pay him back his money, and we did.

  I decided to  write on this story , I never did. Until now, I have come about to write this as angry letter to you lazy asses.

Dear you lazy asses,

   Don't send them hawking because your asses are lazy, telling him and her how difficult it is to live this life. Why are you making them suffer for your incompetence as parents? They are your damn responsibilities, for you to take care of them not for them to care of you. They will take care of you someday, when they are adults and you are old with the slow walk.

    It's hardly their fault, that you are lazy to accept to fend for them. You say it's life driving you, are you not supposed to be the driver and not be driven. You are who are because of the choices you had made, choices you made whether as a teenager or as a young adult. Is to decide to open your  legs to let the penis enter, or let go of the opportunities that would have made your life better, deciding to stay home or not to hustle when you had all that energy.
    You are making them become adults, at that age, give them back their childhood, childhood where they cry because they didn't get ice cream and candies, not a childhood they cry because they are afraid. Fear would come slowly, but has to come to them, when life ages on them.
    Don't say why can't they compromise? They can't compromise for your responsibilities, for their future. It's only natural you give them the best, they deserve to be humans too, to breathe the same air other children take in. It's a heavy burden to be an adult, you giving him that role already. Are you not heartless, are you not ashamed?
    It is your responsibility to care for them, not theirs. They deserve better. A childhood memory to be nostalgic about. To be able to talk how they played the game at back of the packet of cabin biscuit, to play with bottle covers, fly kites, cook in tins , run around, laugh till their backs ache them.
    Don't send them hawking because your asses are lazy.
                  Yours sincerely.


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