Buchi Emecheta, Made Me Want To Be Heard, and Not Always Listen

   Buchi Emecheta, made me want to be heard, and not always listen. 

My sister was a boarder,  and in her literature class, they made them buy a list of African literature books which she brought home after a semester ends. I wasn't particularly intrigued with African literature, likes of Chinua Achebe and Woke Soyinka, were really good books, but they had a male, as a main character. 

Joys of motherhood, unleashed  that certainity , that I wanted to a woman who expressed herself, that version of myself, with no boundaries to gender. She made me understand what gender does, prescribe the way, I should be, not how I am. 

Buchi Emecheta, made me a woman, whose voice should be heard too, and not always listen.  Indeed, she created a vague in our hearts, that would not be filled.  But to be fair, I think we should raise girls who love that version of themselves, and boys who want the liberation of  women. 

She spoke first, and gave us all a voice to speak too.  Then, we are denied of privileges to be heard, they always wanted us to listen. After, Buchi spoke, I'm now truer to myself, and I have mastered the art of expressing myself with no apologies necessary.  

"I am who I am because I accept myself, not because others accept me"

"Be heard too, don't always listen ".


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