Before you Start 2017.

Happy 2017!!!

Sorry I haven't written any blog posts for a while.  I guess I have been busy with my resolutions. So I came up with some amazing resolutions everyone can adopt  this year.  And my theme for this year is passion, being passionate.

Regardless of how last year was, you got to let go and move on to 2017. Below is a list  of things you should look forward to doing. It's not a must you should adopt them. These are 'What' I think. 
1. Read more:  We don't read, we don't  even have a reading culture, in Nigeria.  This year, I  think investing in your mental health is important. To grow more you need to read about anything and everything. It could be about cooking, sports,  hmm.. business, anything at all to perfect what you  already know. Reading gives you that unique edge about life, so go on conquer that. 

2. Work out more than once a month: Yes that's a resolution, apart from mental health, physical health is more important.  You can be mentally fit but if you are not physically strong how would put your thoughts into actions.  Last two years,  I used to dance and jog, but I just stopped. I became too busy and often fell too sick. So this year, I have decided to invest back on my physical health, you should too. 

3. Eat breakfast more often:  Food, food, food and food, who doesn't like food. I do. One of things I regret last year, was skipping my breakfast. I skipped a lot of breakfast, because I had to leave early.  I had a eating disorder, I was a junkie for nasty foods. That really messed my eating habits a lot.  When you don't eat right you can't do right. Breakfast is the  most important meal, if you are to skip a meal it shouldn't be breakfast no, no. Eating breakfast makes you prepared for your day. So make your everyday worth it. Eat right and act right. 

4. Learn a skill: Learn a skill, you got to be ready for anything this year. So if you don't have the required skill, how are you going to get the job done. Get out of your comfort zone, pick a skill of your interest and work on it.  It's time to stop writing the list of things you want to do and get to it. You have to be skilled to be valuable. 

5. Call home more often : I am  guilty of not calling home. I am the worst kind. But it didn't mean I did not care,  I did. I remember the last call I got from my mom before coming back for the holidays, she was excited she was going to See Me. And complained about how I don't call home. I felt guilty. I could stay months hooked up in something, and never called even when I  said I would. So this year, if you are guilty of this, you might want to call more often.  They are going to feel special about it.  To grow with my family is one of my new resolutions. 
6. To Grow : When I mean growth, I'm not talking about the physical. To grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and culturally.  Create a timetable for yourself. . Write down your SMART goals and put them somewhere that you can see it everyday. This will help keep your goals on your mind, and hopefully lead you to take some daily steps towards accomplishing them.

7. Appreciate yourself : it's  one of my favorite. Honey, not everyone is going love you for who are only you can love you.  Love yourself, let your opinions be king over the  other people 's opinion. If they say you look fat in that dress, and you look in the mirror and you don't look fat, wear it. They say you write crab, see yourself as One of your favourite writers and still write, even when they don't read it. They say you talk funny, talk anyway. Just be you and love yourself.. 


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