Rules For Boys -love is just more than words

   Mama, had always told you how to be a man so much, but not to show your feelings and emotions. Your vulnerability, and fear. Some men have this perspective, in a relationship, he should not be thirsty or give too much attention. He becomes aloof for such things like emotions. I sometimes I watch Korean drama series, I get angry, men are mostly the aloof ones, while, women just express themselves, as what society assumes she should be the emotional being in the relationship.

   They may love you, but they find it difficult to show how they feel, or being romantic. Most men don't like talking about their emotions and love, same with most women, but loving someone is just more than words. Love is a fine wine let it gush. Show them that no-one can love them like you can.

                              Rules For Boys
             Buy her flowers or maybe red roses, she will love to put them in a flower pot near the glass windows with a view to the sprawling street that only comes alive in early hours of the mornings, watching the men in suits and sandals and shorts, the women in colorful skirts and in Ankara dresses hustling in heels to the yellow taxis, sometimes, she will just watch the raindrops drip down slowly on the window panes, on cold evenings.

     She gets cold, on such days, the weather is cold, and it rains outside. Give her your sweater or jacket, wear her cotton sweater or wrap the jacket on her shoulders, cuddle her up in your arms while you lay with her.   Remember to make her tea, hot tea with spirals rising from the oversized mug she loves to use and cradle in her hands, and sip slowly.

    Tell her stories, and give her time. Quality time, she needs that, when she gets off work, from her busy schedules, she needs that time from all that madness. Rub her shoulders in those circular motions that would make her moan in delight, and rest her nerves. Soak her feet in warm water, and treat them with scented oils.   Be her buddy, make her popcorn, or buy her chocolates, and see movies together lying on the couch. Watch her laugh, the slow motions, how she throws her head back in laughter, that spark in her eyes , the crinkles on her face when her lips stretched into a smile at you. Nudge her close into your arms because you think she is cute, the way her face squeezes into a child-like manner. Then kiss her forehead.

    I hope you can cook because she might love food, African food maybe cuisines. Go for classes too, to learn. She will love to eat the African salad or the egusi soup thick with bush meat that you cook for her. On some mornings, she may want French toast and scrambled eggs, or just fried plantains and milky tea. Laugh when she gets a moustache, while drinking her milky tea. And reach out to wipe her chin, and tell her you love her. She might push you back, as your chair shudders under buttocks, don’t be mad, she might be shy, or think you are teasing her.

    You have to think about her all day, this is the most important rule, let her make you go crazy, you know the kind of crazy of you see in movies, when you are love struck , you scream their names on top of your voice. When you think about her every time, everything  you see remember you of her, even the cute smile on a baby reminds you, whiskers on puppies , raindrops splattering onto the floor, colorful socks and cotton sweaters, her favorite things. She makes you feel like the better version of you.
    Give her mental orgasms, talk about things you both love, for that sparkle in her eyes when she talks about something she loves, tell her she is beautiful, beautiful for her ability to make other smiles, the way she thought, not for something as temporary as her looks. But tell her she looks nice when she wears those nice lipsticks, or that nice dress that makes her look like a wine glass, shapely, elegant and fancy.  Tell her she got the sauce.

     Eat breakfast together, fold her clothes, catch up on your old shows with her, walk the sidewalks holding her hand, and do the simple things. You miss her, act it.   Conversations shouldn’t be tiring, be a free folk.  Don’t be a know everything ass, listen to her.   Be present, there is no place to be, than with her.

      Don’t fuck, make love.   Heightened up the mood with a sensual song, or maybe a soft rap, fuck her mind first, it gets her into the mood. She might want to chain you down. Tie you down and make you say her name.   She might want to be aggressive or other days, make you take it slow and lick chocolate off her.  Pillow talk and watch her sex eyes. In morning, make her breakfast in bed, and make her wear your shirt, it’s adorable watching her in your shirts. You might want to make oatmeal for breakfast.

     This is not a love story; there are rules of how you treat her. Don’t forget taking her to her favorite restaurant, sing to her too, in that croaked voice, or sexy baritone. You can’t get enough of her.  You will try to let go but you can’t.



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