Our Conversations : The Unemployment Crisis

 I struggle  to crawl of bed on Mondays, yes , I'm used to waking up as early as possible, before, the chirp of the birds, and the sun sluggishly rising from the white clouds, but it feels same way. I had breakfast at least on this Monday ,very unusual, but I find it quite different. 
 I'm motivated to do a lot of things, but once, I had gotten that call from him, I was super excited, so I decided to brace for my boring classes for around 7:00am, those classes are unnecessarily long and bored the freaking hell out of me. (why I think the education system is shitty, very unproductive). 
   I penciled down a meeting which I was so excited to be in, our smiles meet each other when he arrived, in sandals and jeans, the simplicity, oh. I called him 'Fat'
I knew him, once as lanky with those glasses. We laughed, and he talked about how he has lost so much weight, "I was  very fat ,I have really reduced". 
 We chuckled a lot, and talked business, in between watching the busy people drift by, the kids playing around , how so possessive they were, but when they loved you, they loved you like how they loved candies. I like how our conversations were stimulating, deep views from economic and political views. Our take on Trump, we both liked how effective he was, he didn't like his arrogance and how much direct he was as a public figure, I loved his honesty and directness, wished our Government were half sincere.

 Our conversations drone on, and we confide in ourselves how much, the economy pisses us off, why a lot of small business were springing up, why unemployment was a critical condition. 

What was the youths using their energy for is for sex, or to rant about things that is problematic in our society. They were not creating solutions. And schools are abusing their creativity, the slowness drift in,and  shows in their effortlessness. 

Does the Government own us jobs, no, I don't think so, we need to focus, on our informal sector, and build them up to compete internationally, and attract foreign investors, and create job opportunities , we weren't harnessing our resources. 

This unemployment crisis is rooted in our system, it has always been our problems. We are having a lot of , less focused individuals only  interested to be graduated and be employed. By who? The Government or the private sectors?  Working for the Government was basically a connection thing, and hardly spaces were available for the young people  fresh from college, they are probably harnessing the spaces for their generation. And the private sectors, the increasing costs of doing business, keep springing retrenchment of workers, slowing down the few available sectors, and hindering the investments from foreigners. 

By 2020, there is slightly a need to create more billion jobs, or lose more slightly capable  young people  to be unproductive in the economy. Who are creating this jobs?  The Government or the people in the private sectors? 

 My mind raced back to our conversations, walking back home, the breeze caressing my face, the soft wind danced. I always pencil down some of my conversations, my conversations, about things that stimulates me mentally, about the innovative ideas, to share in our woes and still create solutions. 

  Our conversations make us breathe, and it tears us apart in our minds and souls, raking about the next big thing, we conversed to solve a problem, the unemployment crisis, needed a ride into our informal sector, harnessing our small scale bussineses into mutlinational businesses, hence creating job opportunities. We needed to save ourselves, and not wait for the government. 

  My feet will walk me to places, when I crave for more, to see my dreams in actuality, to coffee shops meeting beautiful people, creating innovations, and basking in the middle of the cold breeze, listening to my own mind race as I walk forward away to something more than just conversations. 


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